6 mouth watering juices to try in Ivory Coast

jus de bissap

It’s no secret that sweet beverages are one of our favorites. Indeed, when traveling the world we have to try and taste every juice punches, fruit juices, and sweet alcoholic drinks. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself wanting to try them all:

BISSAP– (origins Burkina Faso) You will find many versions of the hibiscus recipe but the one in Ivory Coast is to die for. The juice is usually drunk cold; it is sweet, and extremely refreshing. You must try it with some alloco and grilled catfish — the best!   

GNAMAKOUDJI– Ginger water. Ginger being a great health attribute, there is no reason why you would not want to try this delicious beverage. Gnamakoudji is one of the popular juices in Ivory Coast. Cooked with simply ginger root sugar and water this juice is extremely concentrated and rich. You could dilute its consistency with some water to tamer its spiciness to your liking! It is usually drunk cold with ice cubes and is particularly invigorated.  

Good to know: If you get a cold or you are in for a romantic night, this drink can do miracles. It is sometimes used in villages to treat cold symptoms and as an aphrodisiac!

BOBAB JUICE– with all the virtues of the baobab fruit, here is another juice that you want to try. It’s a light and uplifting juice that can be drunk accompanied by sweet plantains chips on a week day afternoon.o   

PASSION FRUIT JUICE– Passion fruit being readily available in Ivory Coast, it’s no surprise that the juice should be as well. Cooked with no preservatives; only water, the fruit and sugar, this juice is a great refresher for a hot sunny day.o  

DÊGUÊ: from Senegalese origins, this millet and quail milk beverage is appreciated and consumed throughout West Africa. In Ivory Coast though, this sweet drink is enjoyed at the end of a great meal.o   

TOMI (Tamarin Juice): this juice is predominant in Ivory Coast and consumed with joy. Try this brown colored sweet with some plantain chips or dry peanuts.

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